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Usui Reiki Training

For those of you who feel called to embark on the path of Reiki, we offer regular workshops from Usui Reiki Level 1- 3 and master/teacher level. We teach the Reiki lineage of Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki. All Reiki courses are taught in person ONLY, with additional courses available offline and online. There is a significant difference between receiving treatments and learning, so a pre assessment (in person or distant) is required prior to ensure you have a good understanding of what is involved before committing. Reiki brings a lot to surface, so the treatment will help to see if it is the right time to learn, and to ask any questions you may have.


We ask all practitioners to begin from Level 1 regardless of experience. Each system can vary greatly so to maintain the quality and consistency of training standards, those that have previously trained elsewhere are asked to start from the foundation level. This is a valuable time to revisit and recap on the fundamentals, as well as the opportunity to learn and experience Reiki from a different perspective. If you have trained with another teacher within our system, you are welcome to join the appropriate trainings.

ShivEnergetics™ is a training platform that has developed high standards to ensure all students are safely channeling the full potential of Reiki energy possible at each stage. To date we have trained over 300+ Reiki students and 80+ Reiki Masters, and a growing number of Reiki Teachers. Reiki courses are taught in Shanghai & Koh Chang by Gar, and Sera in Spain.

Please contact directly for all course enquiries.

All Reiki trainings are taught in person ONLY, with additional programs offered both online and in person.

All Reiki training courses and additional skills are accredited by worldwide accreditation board  IPHM 

(International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine.)

iphm, reiki training, shanghai, koh chang, thailand, thaig hub

Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki

We teach the system of Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki from the lineage of Hawayo Takata who bought Reiki to the West. She trained with Dr Hayashi-one of Mikao Usui's original teachers. This is often seen as the foundation of most Reiki systems taught today. Many of the Reiki systems that can be found today will most likely trace back to Hawayo Takata or her original Teachers who naturally evolved the system according to their own understanding, experiences and knowledge over time. For more history details check out our page.


Mikao Usui


dr hayashi.jpg

Dr Chujiro Hayashi



Hawayo Takata


Reiki training, shanghai, koh chang, thailand (Photo Credit: Victor Ung)


14000 THB | 2800 RMB

2 Day Course

Pre Requisites: Students must be 13yrs+ | Pre Assessment

Level 1

Reiki is a powerful energy transfer system, a hands-on healing technique which works by connecting to our own spiritual energy. Reiki assists in intensifying our vibrational frequency to promote a healthier body, mind and spirit. During this 2 day workshop, 4 attunements (Reiju) are passed on. These assist in activating the student’s Kundalini (soul) energy. When activated and awakened, the energy is pushed from the root and expands the energy field, and etheric and outer aura (2 - 5 metres.)


During the attunement, the student is reconnected and reminded of their own spiritual being- their inner Reiki. A direct connection is made to Higher Self. A students own inner guidance connected to the soul and Higher Self is awakened, receiving exactly what they need at that moment in time.


The attunements are merely a “wake up” for the individual’ soul energy as the teacher facilitates this and guides the student through the soul evolutionary process. Passing on methods along the way to assist the students own inner growth. 2 months are needed for the Kundalini to settle in the physical body. During this time the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies begin to detoxify.

Reiki 1 students CANNOT receive financial exchange for treatments. 

Level 2

During this 2 day workshop, 4 further attunements are passed to the student. The Kundalini rises, the aura and the third eye expands, the sensitivity of the student increases and more help from the student’s Higher Self come in to assist the student on this next step. Layers in the Spiritual Body come up to be cleansed. Deeper layers become present such as past events, karmic relationships or blockages, and the Mental Body starts to cleanse. The rise of Kundalini will push the Mental Body to start releasing built up ego conditioning.

The sacred Reiki symbols are passed on, and how to send distant healing to one or more people and places. Students will start to release karmic blockages & work on a deeper level.

Reiki 2 students CANNOT receive financial exchange for treatments.​

Reiki training, shanghai, koh chang, thailand (Photo Credit: Victor Ung)


19000 THB | 3800 RMB

2 Day Course

Pre-requisites: Reiki Level 1 | Min 2 months between level 1 & 2

Min 10 hands on treatments | Students must be 18yrs +

Teacher Level

Only a very small percentage of Reiki Practitioners will go on to teach Reiki. 5 years of experience and development are required before student master-practitioners can be considered for assessment for the Reiki Teacher Levels. Students are personally approached for this level. Information at this stage is passed directly to the student-practitioner.

Reiki training, shanghai, koh chang, thailand (Photo Credit: Victor Ung)


50000 THB | 10000 RMB

7 Day Course

Reiki training, shanghai, koh chang, thailand (Photo Credit: Victor Ung)


24000 THB | 4800 RMB

2 Day Course

Reiki Level 1 & 2, DPA Meditation, Pendulum Diagnosis

Min 6 months between level 2-3  | Min 30 hands on treatments

Level 3

This is a 2 day workshop however a lot more than two days is involved. It is simply two days to pass on the final 4 attunements. At this point the student will have received all 12 attunements and have their Kundalini fully active, chakras and aura expanded and have the ability to start accessing a potentially greater source of guidance available to them from their soul. After level 3, there are no more attunements. The more treatments students give; the more help that comes in.


If the student remains humble, devotes themselves to being at service to others, sets the intention to help those who cross their path, and works on dismantling their ego and blockages they will see soul shifts take place. If they are able to surrender and trust their divine path, they will become effortlessly aligned.


They will merge with their higher self and begin to remove their ego personality. Higher guidance will choose to work closely with the student, merging with the student who takes on the energy imprint, and higher consciousness of the help that is made available and directly to them.​

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